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Meet The Team
Graduate Students
송유준 (YuJun Song)
황보종현 (Jonghyun Hwangbo)
Undergraduate Students
박호균 (Ho-Gyun Park)
김동건 (DongGeon Kim)
신재민 (Jaemin Shin)
백승호 (Seungho Baek)
정유림 (Yurim Jeong)
신창혁 (Changhyeok Shin)
조민재 (Min Jae Jo)
김민호 (Minho Kim)
Master's Degree
한정목 (Jeongmok Han), 2024.02
Bachelor's Degree
배용현 (Young Hyeon Bae), 2022.08
조형진 (Hyeongjin Jo), 2022.08
박정은 (Jeong Eun Park), 2024.02
황보선 (Bosun Hwang), 2024.02
전세현 (Sehyun Jeon), 2024.02
박범진 (Beom Jin Park)
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